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 War threads, readme!

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GM Poff
GM Poff

Posts : 56
Join date : 2012-01-24

War threads, readme! Empty
PostSubject: War threads, readme!   War threads, readme! EmptyTue Mar 13, 2012 7:45 pm

Remember, war threads have to be refreshed.

War rules!
# Hacked players are counted as 1 frag. (Too prevent people from claiming they got hacked.)
# All characters from respective guilds involved count as frags.
# Characters with no guild, over level 30, will be counted as frags if they've been supporting the other side (in battles & sneaks etc).
# Everyone who joined war, can't leave it, if someone wanna leave he have to pay.

Sample of war thread:

"War OldTibia vs NewTibia (start date)"

OldTibia [x] vs [x] NewTibia

Top Fraggers:

Frags in-game:


Have a good fun!
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